The AWS Cloud Module

The AWS cloud module is used to interact with the Amazon Web Services system.

This module has been replaced by the EC2 cloud module, and is no longer supported. The documentation shown here is for reference only; it is highly recommended to change all usages of this driver over to the EC2 driver.

If this driver is still needed, set up the cloud configuration at
/etc/salt/cloud.providers or /etc/salt/cloud.providers.d/aws.conf:
  # The AWS API authentication id
  # The AWS API authentication key
  key: askdjghsdfjkghWupUjasdflkdfklgjsdfjajkghs
  # The ssh keyname to use
  keyname: default
  # The amazon security group
  securitygroup: ssh_open
  # The location of the private key which corresponds to the keyname
  private_key: /root/default.pem
  provider: aws, call=None)

Disable termination protection on a node

CLI Example:

salt-cloud -a disable_term_protect mymachine, call=None)

Enable termination protection on a node

CLI Example:

salt-cloud -a enable_term_protect mymachine

Return the first configured instance.