
Support for Stormpath

New in version Beryllium.

salt.modules.stormpath.create_account(directory_id, email, password, givenName, surname, **kwargs)

Create an account

CLI Examples:

salt myminion stormpath.create_account <directory_id> letmein Shemp Howard

New in version Beryllium.


Delete an account

CLI Examples:

salt myminion stormpath.delete_account <account_id>

Show all accounts.

CLI Example:

salt myminion stormpath.list_accounts

New in version Beryllium.


Show all directories.

CLI Example:

salt myminion stormpath.list_directories

New in version Beryllium.

salt.modules.stormpath.show_account(account_id=None, email=None, directory_id=None, application_id=None, group_id=None, **kwargs)

Show a specific account.

CLI Example:

salt myminion stormpath.show_account <account_id>

New in version Beryllium.


Get the tenant for the login being used

salt.modules.stormpath.update_account(account_id, key=None, value=None, items=None)

Update one or more items for this account. Specifying an empty value will clear it for that account.

CLI Examples:

salt myminion stormpath.update_account <account_id> givenName shemp salt myminion stormpath.update_account <account_id> middleName '' salt myminion stormpath.update_account <account_id> items='{"givenName": "Shemp"} salt myminion stormpath.update_account <account_id> items='{"middlename": ""}

New in version Beryllium.