Module for managing Windows Updates using the Windows Update Agent.
New in version 2015.8.0.
depends: |
(guid=None)¶Downloads a single update
CLI Examples:
salt '*' win_wua.download_update 12345678-abcd-1234-abcd-1234567890ab
(guid=None)¶Downloads updates that match the list of passed GUIDs. It's easier to use this function by using list_updates and setting install=True.
CLI Examples:
# Normal Usage
salt '*' win_wua.download_updates guid=['12345678-abcd-1234-abcd-1234567890ab', '87654321-dcba-4321-dcba-ba0987654321']
(guid=None)¶Installs a single update
CLI Examples:
salt '*' win_wua.install_update 12345678-abcd-1234-abcd-1234567890ab
(guid=None)¶Installs updates that match the passed criteria. It's easier to use this function by using list_updates and setting install=True.
CLI Examples:
# Normal Usage
salt '*' win_wua.install_updates guid=['12345678-abcd-1234-abcd-1234567890ab', '87654321-dcba-4321-dcba-ba0987654321']
(name=None, download=False, install=False)¶Returns details for all updates that match the search criteria
name The name of the update you're searching for. This can be the GUID (preferred), a KB number, or the full name of the update. Run list_updates to get the GUID for the update you're looking for.
Returns a dict containing either a list of updates that match the name if download and install are both set to False. Should usually be a single update, but can return multiple if a partial name is given:
List of Updates:
{'<GUID>': {'Title': <title>,
'KB': <KB>,
'GUID': <the globally uinique identifier for the update>
'Description': <description>,
'Downloaded': <has the update been downloaded>,
'Installed': <has the update been installed>,
'Mandatory': <is the update mandatory>,
'UserInput': <is user input required>,
'EULAAccepted': <has the EULA been accepted>,
'Severity': <update severity>,
'NeedsReboot': <is the update installed and awaiting reboot>,
'RebootBehavior': <will the update require a reboot>,
'Categories': [ '<category 1>',
'<category 2>',
CLI Examples:
# Recommended Usage using GUID without braces
# Use this to find the status of a specific update
salt '*' wua.list_update 12345678-abcd-1234-abcd-1234567890ab
# Use the following if you don't know the GUID:
# Using a KB number (could possibly return multiple results)
# Not all updates have an associated KB
salt '*' wua.list_update KB3030298
# Using part or all of the name of the update
# Could possibly return multiple results
# Not all updates have an associated KB
salt '*' wua.list_update 'Microsoft Camera Codec Pack'
(software=True, drivers=False, summary=False, installed=False, categories=None, severities=None, download=False, install=False)¶Returns a detailed list of available updates or a summary
Specify the categories to list. Must be passed as a list. All categories returned by default.
Categories include the following:
Specify the severities to include. Must be passed as a list. All severities returned by default.
Severities include the following:
Returns a dict containing either a summary or a list of updates:
List of Updates:
{'<GUID>': {'Title': <title>,
'KB': <KB>,
'GUID': <the globally uinique identifier for the update>
'Description': <description>,
'Downloaded': <has the update been downloaded>,
'Installed': <has the update been installed>,
'Mandatory': <is the update mandatory>,
'UserInput': <is user input required>,
'EULAAccepted': <has the EULA been accepted>,
'Severity': <update severity>,
'NeedsReboot': <is the update installed and awaiting reboot>,
'RebootBehavior': <will the update require a reboot>,
'Categories': [ '<category 1>',
'<category 2>',
Summary of Updates:
{'Total': <total number of updates returned>,
'Available': <updates that are not downloaded or installed>,
'Downloaded': <updates that are downloaded but not installed>,
'Installed': <updates installed (usually 0 unless installed=True)>,
'Categories': { <category 1>: <total for that category>,
<category 2>: <total for category 2>,
... }
CLI Examples:
# Normal Usage (list all software updates)
salt '*' wua.list_updates
# List all updates with categories of Critical Updates and Drivers
salt '*' wua.list_updates categories=['Critical Updates','Drivers']
# List all Critical Security Updates
salt '*' wua.list_updates categories=['Security Updates'] severities=['Critical']
# List all updates with a severity of Critical
salt '*' wua.list_updates severities=['Critical']
# A summary of all available updates
salt '*' wua.list_updates summary=True
# A summary of all Feature Packs and Windows 8.1 Updates
salt '*' wua.list_updates categories=['Feature Packs','Windows 8.1'] summary=True