
Retrieve Pillar data by doing a MySQL query

MariaDB provides Python support through the MySQL Python package. Therefore, you may use this module with both MySQL or MariaDB.

This module is a concrete implementation of the sql_base ext_pillar for MySQL.


Legacy compatibility

This module has an extra addition for backward compatibility.

If there's a keyword arg of mysql_query, that'll go first before other args. This legacy compatibility translates to depth 1.

We do this so that it's backward compatible with older configs. This is deprecated and slated to be removed in Boron.

Configuring the mysql ext_pillar

Use the 'mysql' key under ext_pillar for configuration of queries.

MySQL configuration of the MySQL returner is being used (mysql.db, mysql.user, mysql.pass, mysql.port, for database connection info.

Required python modules: MySQLdb

Complete example

  user: 'salt'
  pass: 'super_secret_password'
  db: 'salt_db'

  - mysql:
        query: 'SELECT col1,col2,col3,col4,col5,col6,col7
                  FROM some_random_table
                 WHERE minion_pattern LIKE %s'
        depth: 5
        as_list: True
        with_lists: [1,3]
class salt.pillar.mysql.MySQLExtPillar

This class receives and processes the database rows from MySQL.

extract_queries(args, kwargs)

This function normalizes the config block into a set of queries we can use. The return is a list of consistently laid out dicts.

salt.pillar.mysql.ext_pillar(minion_id, pillar, *args, **kwargs)

Execute queries against MySQL, merge and return as a dict