
Return data to the host operating system's syslog facility

Required python modules: syslog, json

The syslog returner simply reuses the operating system's syslog facility to log return data

To use the syslog returner, append '--return syslog' to the salt command.

salt '*' --return syslog


Syslog server implementations may have limits on the maximum record size received by the client. This may lead to job return data being truncated in the syslog server's logs. For example, for rsyslog on RHEL-based systems, the default maximum record size is approximately 2KB (which return data can easily exceed). This is configurable in rsyslog.conf via the $MaxMessageSize config parameter. Please consult your syslog implmentation's documentation to determine how to adjust this limit.

salt.returners.syslog_return.prep_jid(nocache=False, passed_jid=None)

Do any work necessary to prepare a JID, including sending a custom id


Return data to the local syslog