
Common resources for LXC and systemd-nspawn containers

New in version Beryllium.

These functions are not designed to be called directly, but instead from the lxc, nspawn, and docker-ng execution modules. They provide for common logic to be re-used for common actions.


Wrapper for cp.cache_file which raises an error if the file was unable to be cached.

CLI Example:

salt myminion container_resource.cache_file salt://foo/bar/baz.txt
salt.modules.container_resource.copy_to(*args, **kwargs)

Common logic for copying files to containers


path to the container parent (for LXC only) default: /var/lib/lxc (system default)

New in version Beryllium.

CLI Example:

salt myminion container_resource.copy_to mycontainer /local/file/path /container/file/path container_type=docker exec_driver=nsenter*args, **kwargs)

Common logic for running shell commands in containers


path to the container parent (for LXC only) default: /var/lib/lxc (system default)

New in version Beryllium.

CLI Example:

salt myminion mycontainer 'ps aux' container_type=docker exec_driver=nsenter output=stdout