
Support for Postfix

This module is currently little more than a config file viewer and editor. It is able to read the file (which is one style) and files in the style of (which is a different style, that is used in multiple postfix configuration files).

The design of this module is such that when files are edited, a minimum of changes are made to them. Each file should look as if it has been edited by hand; order, comments and whitespace are all preserved.


Delete message(s) from the mail queue

CLI Example:

salt '*' postfix.delete 5C33CA0DEA

salt '*' postfix.delete ALL

Put message(s) on hold from the mail queue

CLI Example:

salt '*' postfix.hold 5C33CA0DEA

salt '*' postfix.hold ALL

Requeue message(s) in the mail queue

CLI Example:

salt '*' postfix.requeue 5C33CA0DEA

salt '*' postfix.requeue ALL
salt.modules.postfix.set_main(key, value, path='/etc/postfix/')

Set a single config value in the file. If the value does not already exist, it will be appended to the end.

CLI Example:

salt <minion> postfix.set_main mailq_path /usr/bin/mailq
salt.modules.postfix.set_master(service, conn_type, private='y', unpriv='y', chroot='y', wakeup='n', maxproc='100', command='', write_conf=True, path='/etc/postfix/')

Set a single config value in the file. If the value does not already exist, it will be appended to the end.

Because of shell parsing issues, '-' cannot be set as a value, as is normal in the file; either 'y', 'n' or a number should be used when calling this function from the command line. If the value used matches the default, it will internally be converted to a '-'. Calling this function from the Python API is not affected by this limitation

The settings and their default values, in order, are: service (required), conn_type (required), private (y), unpriv (y), chroot (y), wakeup (n), maxproc (100), command (required).

By default, this function will write out the changes to the file, and then returns the full contents of the file. By setting the write_conf option to False, it will skip writing the file.

CLI Example:

salt <minion> postfix.set_master smtp inet n y n n 100 smtpd

Return a dict of active config values. This does not include comments, spacing or order. Bear in mind that order is functionally important in the file, since keys can be referred to as variables. This means that the data returned from this function should not be used for direct modification of the file; other functions are available for that.

CLI Examples:

salt <minion> postfix.show_main salt <minion> postfix.show_main path=/path/to/

Return a dict of active config values. This does not include comments, spacing or order.

The data returned from this function should not be used for direct modification of the file; other functions are available for that.

CLI Examples:

salt <minion> postfix.show_master salt <minion> postfix.show_master path=/path/to/

Show contents of the mail queue

CLI Example:

salt '*' postfix.show_queue

Set held message(s) in the mail queue to unheld

CLI Example:

salt '*' postfix.unhold 5C33CA0DEA

salt '*' postfix.unhold ALL